Health Coaching

Rhonda Sheppard, Certified Health Coach

BA with Honors in Psychology from USC.

Dr. Sears Wellness Institute

Master Coaching


Food & Cooking Studies

Raw Food Nutrition

Plant-Based Nutrition

Plant Based Cooking

Our Goals

Help You Improve Your Physical Health

Research shows that eating a plant-based diet can reduce or eliminate prescription drugs, can help you lose excess weight and keep it off, possibly eliminate type 2 diabetes, increase your energy levels, and you may even reduce or eliminate pain.
You should Just Feel Better & Improve Your Total Outlook!

Help You Find Healthier Food & Recipes

Look at Plant Based Alternatives That Can Reduce Bad Cholesterol, Increase Good, and Enjoy What You Eat with No Guilt.

See our “Plant-Based” Cooking School Link

Do Your Part In Improving the Environment

Reduce Toxic Emissions, Recycle, Composte, Reduce Deforestation,
and Increase Atmospheric Oxygen just by choosing what you eat!

Did you know that a person that eats “Plant-Based” uses 1/14 the amount of land to grow the food to sustain one person’s life as a person that includes animal products in their diet?